When community come together to harvest rain, the per-capita investment goes down. For instance, Panchsheel Park Colony about 1000 residents pooled in Rs 4.5 lakh to harvest more than 170 million litres of water annually. Rainwater harvesting methods are site specific and hence it is difficult to give a generalised cost. But first of all, the major components of a rainwater harvesting system - rain and catchment area - are available free of cost. A good proportion of the expenses would be for the pipe connections. By judiciously fixing up the slopes of roofs and location of rainwater outlets, this could be brought down considerably. However the cost varies widely depending on the availability of existing structures like wells and tanks which can be modified and used for water harvesting. Typically, installing a water harvesting system in a building would cost between Rs 2,000 to 30,000 for buildings of about 300 sq. m. The cost estimate mentioned above is for an existing building. For instance, water harvesting system in the CSE building in Tughlakabad Institutional Area, Delhi, was set up with an investment of Rs 30,000 whereas those in the model projects ranged between Rs 70, 000 and Rs 8 lakh. The costs would be comparatively less if the system were incorporated during the construction of the building itself. Some basic rates of construction activities and materials have been given here, which may be helpful in calculating the total cost of a structure. The list is not comprehensive and contains only important activities meant to provide a rough estimate of the cost. a. Unit cost of construction activities.
b. Ferrocement tanks with skeletal cage
Source: Action for food Production and United
Nations Children's Fund, Rooftop rainwater harvesting systems
c. Plastic tanks: Available as finished products in various capacities. The cost of these tanks ranges from Rs 2/litre to about Rs 3.5/litre. Other brands available in the market
Thursday, November 22, 2012
of storage tanks The volume of the storage tank can be determined by the following factors:
In this approach there are three options for determining the volume of storage:
Illustration Suppose the system has to be designed for meeting drinking water requirement of a five-member family living in a building with a rooftop area of 100 sq. m. The average annual rainfall in the region is 600 mm (average annual rainfall in Delhi is 611 mm). Daily drinking water requirement per person (drinking and cooking) is 10 litres.
Salient features of this approach:
Friday, October 5, 2012
union bank of india different schems for different section of society
To meet all expenses involved in raising a particular crop including various agronomic practices
Farmers cultivating owned/Registered leased lands/share croppers.
Loan Amount:
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Loan Amount:
As per the scale of finance.
Upto Rs.25,000/- - Nil
Above Rs.25,000/- -- 5% to 15% (No margin, if financed as per scale of finance for crops.)
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Any individual owning gold ornaments and jewellery, singly or jointly. Need not be existing account holder of the Bank. He should be properly introduced to the Bank.
Loan Amount:
Priority Sector - Need based/project based. No ceiling. Consumption Loan - Upto Rs.2000/-. Non-Priority Sector - Max.Rs.5 lacs.
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With a view to provide proper storage facility for perishable items like fruits, vegetables, etc. and also to provide post harvesting and marketing infrastructure.
All Co-operatives, Companies, Corporations, Partnership and Proprietary firms, Agriculture Produce Marketing Committees/ Boards, Agro Industries Corporations and Growers’ Associations, Individuals.
Project Cost:
The project cost depends upon the capacity and technology used for cold storage for horticulture produce and will be arrived at on the basis of actual estimates/invoice prices of machineries, etc.
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Purchase of power tillers, tractors/implements etc.
Loan Amount:
75% to 90% of cost of the Unit based on quotation.
Margin: 10% to 25%
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Farmers to purchase land for agriculture purpose.
Quantum Of Loan:
It will depend on :
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Agriculture Graduates on various aspects related to crop production, marketing of crop produce and clinical services for farm animals.
Eligibility: Agriculture Graduates/ Graduates in subjects allied to agriculture like horticulture, animal husbandry, forestry, dairy, veterinary, poultry farming, pisciculture and other allied activities. Project Cost And Coverage: For individual, it is maximum of Rs.10 lacs and for group, it is maximum of Rs.50 lacs.
Upto Rs.25,000/- : Nil
Above Rs.25,000/- and upto Rs.50,000/- : 5 to 10% Above Rs.50,000/- : 10 to 15% Under interest subsidy scheme : upto Rs.5.00 lacs there is no margin above Rs.5.00 lacs - 10-15% margin
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To meet the production, investment and consumption requirement of the farmer,
Extent of Finance:
As per scale of finance for crop cultivation.
In other cases, 5 to 15% margin to be brought by the borrower depending upon purpose.
Project Cost:
The project cost depends upon the capacity and technology used for cold storage for horticulture produce and will be arrived at on the basis of actual estimates/invoice prices of machineries, etc.
For further details Click here
To provide employment to unemployed agricultural graduates. Purpose: To create a model farm in villages, which will provide gainful employment alongwith sufficient income generation to motivate an agricultural graduate to run a self employment venture rather than going for a job/service. It will be left to the entrepreneur to select the venture.
Eligible Projects:
Unemployed Agricultural Graduates not below the age of 22 years and also Agriculture Graduates who have given up the employment.
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For purchasing of two/three/four wheelers/trucks/jeeps/pick-up vans, etc. by the agriculturists.
The finance may be considered preferably in case of :
Loan Limit:
75% of the cost of the vehicle.
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11. Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) The scheme has been launched w.e.f. 01.04.1999 as an integrated programme to bring every assisted rural family above the poverty line. Subsidy is available upto 30% of project cost subject to maximum Rs.7500/-. For SC/ST 50% of the project cost maximum Rs.10,000/- and for SHGs 50% or maximum Rs.1.25 lacs. 12. Differential Rate of Interest (DRI) The objective is for upliftment of weaker sections of the society by providing easy credit at cheaper rate of interest. Loan amount is maximum Rs.15000/- and Rs 20000/- for housing loan at 4% p.a. for individuals. 13. Prime Minister's Rojgar Yojana (PMRY) This scheme was launched by Government of India in October 1993 with the objective of providing employment to educated unemployed youth for setting up micro enterprises. Maximum project cost of Rs.2.00 lac for business sector and Rs.5.00 lacs for industry sector of composite nature are permitted. In case of partnership firm projects upto Rs.10.00 lacs are also considered subject to prescribed share of each borrower. Subsidy is 15% of the project cost maximum upto Rs.7500/- per entrepreneur. For North Eastern States, H.P., J & K, Uttaranchal subsidy will be maximum Rs.15,000/-. SHGs can also be considered for financing under this scheme provided all members satisfy the eligibility norms. 14. Scheme for Liberation & Rehabilitation of Scavengers (SLRS) The scheme aims to provide alternate employment to scavengers and their dependents with a maximum unit cost of Rs.50,000/-. Subsidy is available at 50% of project cost maximum Rs.10,000/- at interest rate of 4% p.a. for loans upto Rs.15000/- and at prescribed rates of the Bank for loans above Rs.15000/-. 15. Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rojgar Yojana (SJSRY) This scheme seeks to provide gainful employment to the urban poor (living below the urban poverty line) who are unemployed or underemployed, through setting of self employment ventures or provision of wage employment. Maximum project cost is Rs.50,000/- and subsidy is available at 15% of project cost subject to maximum of Rs.7500/-. Joint ventures are also permitted. In the case of group project of women subsidy of Rs.1.25 lacs maximum is available subject to 50% of project cost. 16. Interest Subsidy Scheme of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) for purchase of Solar Water Heaters. Keeping in view the potential benefit to the national energy, economy and to promote large scale utilization of Solar Water Heaters in the country, the MNRE is operating an Interest Subsidy Scheme on Solar Water Heating Systems through Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA) and designated Commercial Banks and other Financial Institutions since 1996. Objective :- To promote the widespread use of solar water heaters through a combination of financial and promotional incentives and other support measures. Eligible Systems :- Water Heating Systems comprising of Flat Plate Collectors or Evacuated Tube Collectors (ETC). Eligible Suppliers :- List of manufacturers are of BIS approved Solar Flat Plate Collectors and MNRE approved Evacuated Tube Collectors. Eligibility for Loan :- All end users viz. Individual, Institution, Non-commercial organizations, or Commercial Organisations including Hotels, Hospitals etc. Association/ Business establishment etc. Loan Amount :- 85% of cost of the system – maximum amount to be restricted to the repayment capacity of the borrower as per Bank's policy/guidelines. Rate of Interest :- Rate of interest for loans under the Scheme granted under general category is @ 10.75% p.a. For loans sanctioned under Priority Sector, appropriate interest rate will be applicable subject to maximum rate of 10.75% p.a. Interest Subsidy :- Interest rate for the loans provided by the Ministry as per user category is : - 2% p.a. to domestic users. - 3% p.a. to institutional users (non-profit making and not-availing depreciation). - 5% p.a. to industrial/commercial users availing depreciation. MICRO CREDIT Loans of very small amount not exceeding Rs. 50,000 per borrower provided by banks either directly or indirectly through a SHG/JLG mechanism or to NBFC/MFI for on-lending up to Rs. 50,000 per borrower. Loans to poor indebted to informal sector Loans to distressed persons (other than farmers) to prepay their debt to non institutional lenders, against appropriate collateral or group security, would be eligible for classification under priority sector. SELF HELP GROUPS (SHGS) A Self Help Group is a homogeneous group of the rural poor voluntarily formed to save whatever amount they can conveniently save out of their earnings and mutually agree to contribute to a common fund of the group from which small loans are given to the members for meeting their productive and emergent credit needs at such rate of interest, period of loan and other terms which the group may decide. Objective · To encourage banking activity both on thrift as well as credit. · To evolve supplementary credit strategy for reaching rural poor. · To build mutual trust and confidence between banks and the rural poor. Characteristics of a SHG · The membership of a Group may be 10-20. · The Group may be registered or unregistered. · The Group should devise a code of conduct to bind themselves. · The Group to decide the amount to be saved, its periodicity and the purposes for which loan can be given to members. · The Group to decide the market oriented rate of interest to be paid/charged on savings/credit to members. Quantum of Loan · The proportion of savings to the loan could vary from 1:1 to 1:4 depending on the rating of the SHG by the Bank. Security · Inter Se Agreement by all members. · Articles of Agreement by authorised members. STATE SPONSORED ORGANIZATIONS FOR SCHEDULED CASTES/SCHEDULED TRIBES Advances sanctioned to State Sponsored Organisations for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes for the specific purpose of purchase and supply of inputs to and/or the marketing of the outputs of the beneficiaries of these organisations. SMALL BUSINESS Small business would include individuals and firms managing a business enterprise established mainly for the purpose of providing any service other than professional services. The limit for lending under the scheme is Rs.20.00 lacs for the original price of the equipment without any ceiling for working capital. Advances for acquisition, construction, renovation of houseboats and other tourist accommodation, distribution of mineral oils advances to judicial stamp vendors and lottery ticket agents also come under this category. For More Details: http://www.unionbankofindia.co.in/sb_Agriculture.aspx
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For Application forms Click here
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Our Bank has large number of credit schemes to suit to the requirements of individual customers. Thus, loans and advances are extended against pledge of bank deposits receipts, Life Insurance Policies, fully paid shares and debentures, National Savings Certificates.
Kisan Vikas Patras, Indira Vikas Patras, Unit Trust of India Certificates, etc. Our Bank also extends loans against pledge of Jewels to Agriculturists and others. Normally 25% margin is maintained for all the advances. However, in specific cases like advances against National Savings Certificates, Kisan Vikas and Indira Vikas Patras, higher margin is stipulated as these instruments are not encashable on demand but can be encashed only on the date of maturity. The rate of interest is fixed by Bank from time to time.
Our Bank also extends finance to the Farmers for cultivation of crops, minor irrigation, land development, farm mechanisation, Horticulture and plantation and allied activities like diary, poultry, goat and sheep rearing, fishery, prawn culture, piggery, seri-culture and for construction of bio-gas plants. Credit facilities are also extended for construction and repair of houses under SUBHA GRUHA SCHEME, purchase of new and old cars under PUSHPAKA SCHEME, payment of taxes under TAX SULABH SCHEME and credit assistance for stock brokers / share brokers under SOWMITRA SCHEME. Credit facilities are also extended under HOME DECORSCHEME for purchase of furnishing etc, under CLEAN LOAN & PERSONAL LOAN schemes to salaried persons for personal expenses & purchase of consumer durable respectively, SAHAYIKA for purpose of meeting social commitment, EASY TRADE FINANCE scheme for hassle free finance for trading activities etc.
Loans are extended to Small Scale Industries, Tiny Sector and ancillary units. Credit facilities are also extended to Women entrepreneurs, weaker section, rural artisans, village and cottage industries and Transport operators, Retail Traders, professional and self-employed and business enterprises. Loans are also extended to bright and deserving students for higher education. Credit facilities are also extended for various Government Sponsored Schemes like IRDP, PMRY, Scheme for Urban Micro-Enterprises and Self-Employment scheme for educated, unemployed youth. Loans are extended at a differential rate of interest to the citizens belonging to weaker section of the society, Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes and Physically handicapped person.
Credit facilities are extended against pledge of Life Insurance Policies, preferably endowment policies upto 90% of the surrender value. No advance is granted against a policy, which stands assigned to a minor. The policy should not contain any special conditions, which restricts its assignability. Citizens' have to produce the latest premium paid receipt as a proof that the premia has been paid upto date and that the policy is in force. Loan is sanctioned after the policy is assigned in favour of the bank and registration of such assignment with LIC.Loans are also extended against insurance policies of private insurance companies recognised by IRDA.
Citizens can also avail loan against their National Savings Certificates, Indira Vikas Patras and Kisan Vikas Patras upto 50% of the invested amount by pledging the certificates / bonds with the Bank. The respective Post Offices are also to record the pledge in Bank's favour.
Margin and rate of interest are fixed by Bank from time to time.
Short-term loans are sanctioned for raising crops, for cultivation of traditional plantations like tea, coffee, rubber and, etc. Loan facility is also available for dairy development, poultry farming, purchase of electric motor / oil engine with pumpsets, purchase of tractors, trailers and other agricultural implements and also for development of irrigation, for reclamation and land development.
This scheme is introduced to encourage self-employment for the urban unemployed citizens. To be eligible to avail this loan the family income of the citizen should not exceed Rs.11,850/- per year. He /she should have continuously lived in the area for the last three years. He should either possess a Ration card or his/her name should be mentioned in the ration card of his family. He/she should not be a borrower of any other bank.
The objective of the scheme is to provide employment for more than a million persons by setting up of 7 lakh micro enterprises by the educated unemployment youth who are matriculates. Preference is given for women entrepreneurs. The person should be between 18 and 35 years old having permanent residence of the area for atleast 3 years. Family income of the beneficiary should not be above Rs.24,000/- per year. Loans are extended upto Rs.95,000/- under this scheme.
Margin on advances and rate of interest, security norms and income criteria are subject to the guidelines issued by Reserve Bank of India from time to time. It is expected that the applicants should not be defaulters to any financial institution including Cooperative Societies and Land Development Banks. Crops, Livestock, Machinery purchased from the bank loans are to be insured as per guidelines issued by Government of India/Reserve Bank of India, from time to time.
Eligibility of the applicant: Individuals/group of individuals/members of cooperative societies. The individuals should have regular monthly income from employment, business, profession, agriculture. In the case of employed persons three years continued service is necessary and for self employed, professionals, business people three years standing in their respective field is necessary. The applicant should not be more than 55 years of age.
Scheme Offered: The loan is granted for purchase/construction of new flat/house or for purchase of old house/flat not exceeding 15 years. The loan is also granted for extension of the existing house/flat. Higher quantum may be considered for High Net Worth individuals.
QUANTUM OF LOAN: Maximum quantum of loan is Rs 50 lacs.. The loan is however restricted to 80% of the cost of purchase/construction and also the repaying capacity of the applicant is taken into account while fixing the quantum of loan. Higher quantum may be considered for high networth individuals.
SECURITY: The property purchased/constructed should be mortgaged to the bank.
Two types of interest rate namely Fixed and Floating interest rate are permitted. Bank retains the right to convert the fixed rate to floating rate after three years
REPAYMENT: The maximum repayment period is 20 years in equated monthly instalments. Loan to be closed before the applicant attains 65 years. Fixed interest rates are repayable within 10 years. Repayment holiday period of 18 months for construction and 3 months for purchase is granted. 36 Post dated cheques to be obtained. Pre closure of loan attracts levy of charges of 1%.
Loan granted for repair/renovation of existing house(s) in the name of borrower, e.g. painting, building a compound wall, flooring/tiling, replacement of doors/windows, wiring etc. The loan can be availed by individuals (salaried, business people, professionals) owning at least a flat/house in his/her name.
The applicant must be confirmed in service in a reputed organisation. Take home pay should be more than 50% of the gross salary after taking into account the instalment for the loan under reference. Should have balance of service equal to or more than the repayment period. Professionals/business people should be n the line of activity for a minimum period of 3 years and should be an Income Tax assessee.
The minimum loan is Rs.25,000 and the maximum limit is Rs.5.00 lacs.
MARGIN: Immovable property =50% of market value
REPAYMENT: In maximum 120 equated monthly instalments with a holiday of 3 months. 36 post dated cheques to be obtained
SECURITY: Either equitable mortgage of the house/flat, which is under renovation/repair and the land or any other immovable property in the name of the borrower and unencumbered with a market value twice that of the loan amount.
Loan is granted for furnishing the house with drawing room furniture, kitchen equipments, bath tubs, air conditioners, cupboards etc. The scheme aims at a package to furnish the entire house. Individuals in employment in reputed organisations and put in a minimum of 3 years confirmed service, business people who are in the business for atleast three years who have a house/flat in their name or in the name of spouse can apply.
QUANTUM OF LOAN: Loan amount depends on the monthly income:
Rs.20,000/ and above 1.00 lac
Rs.10,000 to Rs.20,000 75,000/
Rs.10,000 and below 50,000/
SECURITY: Hypothecation of the items purchased. Mortgage of the house if available and third party guarantee worth for the loan amount.
Margin: 25% of the cost kept as term deposit till the loan is closed.
Repayment: Repayable in 60 equated monthly instalments. 36 Post dated cheques to be obtained
Loan granted against the rent receivable for the unexpired period of the lease. Owners of property let out to reputed companies, banks including our bank and to owners of officers quarters are eligible to apply.
A firm lease agreement is required. The rent payable should be free of any encumbrance. If the rent is partly charged, the balance should be sufficient to cover the loan instalment. Property is not subject to dispute or plan violation.
75% of the net rent receivable for the unexpired lease period after deducting the rental advance and "Tax Deductible at source. Maximum loan is equivalent to 84 months rent.
REPAYMENT: Loan is repayable in a maximum of 84 equated monthly instalments not exceeding the lease period.
SECURITY: For loan upto Rs.2.00 lacs the rent receivable charged to the bank. For loan above Rs.2.00 lacs, in addition to charging the rent receivable the property under lease or any other property(market value 150%) is to be mortgaged or security such as Bank Deposit, NSC, KVP, IVP,LIC, UNIS etc. to be offered.
Eligibility of the applicant: Individuals in confirmed service in reputed Organisations, Professionals, self employed persons and business people. Salaried individual should have atleast 50% of take home pay. Professionals, self employed and business people must be in the line of business for atleast three years.
Total income should not be less than Rs 5000 for two wheeler loan and Rs 8000 for car loans. Firms/Companies are also eligible
Scheme Offered: Loan is granted for purchase of new car of any make and also for used cars.( not older than 5 years)
Quantum of Loan: The maximum loan is 90% of the cost of the new car or 75% of the market value of the used car. In the case of used car the maximum loan amount is Rs.5.00 lacs. Two wheelers 90% of the cost or 10 times of monthly salary or Rs 60000/ whichever is less
Repayment: The Loan is repayable in 60 equated monthly instalments for new car and 36 monthly instalments for used car. Two wheeler 60 equated monthly instalments. 12 Post dated cheques to be submitted.
Security: The vehicle is to be hypothecated to the bank and the RC book and insurance for the vehicle should indicate the name of the bank as financiers.
Eligibility of the applicant: Students of Indian National secured admission in professional/technical course/foreign university/institution
Scheme and services: Loan is granted for study in graduation/post graduation/professional courses/diploma course in recognised institution/university in India and abroad. Need-based request for tuition fee, hostel fee, cost of books, examination fee, and air fare (in the case of study abroad) are provided for the entire duration of the course.
QUANTUM OF LOAN: The maximum loan amount is Rs.7.50 lacs for study in India and Rs.15.00 lacs for study abroad.
MARGIN : Upto 4 lacs Nil. More than Rs 4 lacs studies within India 5%, abroad 15%.
SECURITY: Upto 4 lacs Nil.. More than Rs 4 lacs to Rs 7.50 lacs, Third Party Guarantee.. More than Rs 7.50 lacs, Collateral Security of suitable value or co-obligation of parents/guardian/third party alongwith assignment of future income of the student.Land/Buildings/Govt Securities/ PS Bonds/ Units/KVP, NSC, Gold, Shares/ Bank Deposits.. Assignment of LIC policy in the name of the student beneficiary for the amount of the loan.
REPAYMENT: The loan is repayable in 60 to 84 equated monthly instalments from the sixth month from the date of employment or after 12 months after completion of the course whichever is earlier. Life cover for parent and student is available on payment of full premium for the entire period.
Any citizen who is a customer of our Bank and who is permanently employed in Government Department / Public Sector undertaking and reputed organisations, can avail Personal Loans to purchase of new consumer durables like radio, refrigerator, television, washing machine, etc. Normally Bank extends loan upto 90 % of the cost of the article or 5 times of the salary of the employee whichever is lower. The loan component and the margin money from the customers are directly paid to the dealer with instructions to deliver the article to the customer..
Eligibility: Central/State Govt/ Defence Pensioner/Pilot pensioner/EB/PSU /Family Pensioners/
Purpose : To meet household expenses
Quantum: Maximum loan amount is 10 times monthly pension or Rs 1 lacs whichever is less for those not exceeding 65 years of age, for those who are over 65 years, the maximum loan is Rs 50,000.
Repayment: Upto 65 years 48, EMI, Over 65 years 24 EMI.
Eligibility: Individuals not more than 70 years of age. In case of seeking employment abroad, the maximum age should not be more than 40 years. Minimum Household income should be Rs 1.20 lacs per annum (employees of reputed organisations)
Purpose : Tourism (both domestic and foreign travel), medical treatment and employment abroad
Quantum: Maximum loan amount is 12 times gross monthly household income. Minimum Rs 10000 and maximum Rs 10 lacs
Repayment: 36 EMI with a holiday period of 3 months
Security: Salary to be routed through us. Upto loan of Rs 1 lac, third party guarantee. Above Rs 1 lac, Security by way of NSC, IVP, KVP, LIC etc.
Margin : 25% for foreign travel and nil margin for domestic travel
Kisan Vikas Patras, Indira Vikas Patras, Unit Trust of India Certificates, etc. Our Bank also extends loans against pledge of Jewels to Agriculturists and others. Normally 25% margin is maintained for all the advances. However, in specific cases like advances against National Savings Certificates, Kisan Vikas and Indira Vikas Patras, higher margin is stipulated as these instruments are not encashable on demand but can be encashed only on the date of maturity. The rate of interest is fixed by Bank from time to time.
Our Bank also extends finance to the Farmers for cultivation of crops, minor irrigation, land development, farm mechanisation, Horticulture and plantation and allied activities like diary, poultry, goat and sheep rearing, fishery, prawn culture, piggery, seri-culture and for construction of bio-gas plants. Credit facilities are also extended for construction and repair of houses under SUBHA GRUHA SCHEME, purchase of new and old cars under PUSHPAKA SCHEME, payment of taxes under TAX SULABH SCHEME and credit assistance for stock brokers / share brokers under SOWMITRA SCHEME. Credit facilities are also extended under HOME DECORSCHEME for purchase of furnishing etc, under CLEAN LOAN & PERSONAL LOAN schemes to salaried persons for personal expenses & purchase of consumer durable respectively, SAHAYIKA for purpose of meeting social commitment, EASY TRADE FINANCE scheme for hassle free finance for trading activities etc.
Loans are extended to Small Scale Industries, Tiny Sector and ancillary units. Credit facilities are also extended to Women entrepreneurs, weaker section, rural artisans, village and cottage industries and Transport operators, Retail Traders, professional and self-employed and business enterprises. Loans are also extended to bright and deserving students for higher education. Credit facilities are also extended for various Government Sponsored Schemes like IRDP, PMRY, Scheme for Urban Micro-Enterprises and Self-Employment scheme for educated, unemployed youth. Loans are extended at a differential rate of interest to the citizens belonging to weaker section of the society, Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes and Physically handicapped person.
Credit facilities are extended against pledge of Life Insurance Policies, preferably endowment policies upto 90% of the surrender value. No advance is granted against a policy, which stands assigned to a minor. The policy should not contain any special conditions, which restricts its assignability. Citizens' have to produce the latest premium paid receipt as a proof that the premia has been paid upto date and that the policy is in force. Loan is sanctioned after the policy is assigned in favour of the bank and registration of such assignment with LIC.Loans are also extended against insurance policies of private insurance companies recognised by IRDA.
Citizens can also avail loan against their National Savings Certificates, Indira Vikas Patras and Kisan Vikas Patras upto 50% of the invested amount by pledging the certificates / bonds with the Bank. The respective Post Offices are also to record the pledge in Bank's favour.
Margin and rate of interest are fixed by Bank from time to time.
Short-term loans are sanctioned for raising crops, for cultivation of traditional plantations like tea, coffee, rubber and, etc. Loan facility is also available for dairy development, poultry farming, purchase of electric motor / oil engine with pumpsets, purchase of tractors, trailers and other agricultural implements and also for development of irrigation, for reclamation and land development.
This scheme is introduced to encourage self-employment for the urban unemployed citizens. To be eligible to avail this loan the family income of the citizen should not exceed Rs.11,850/- per year. He /she should have continuously lived in the area for the last three years. He should either possess a Ration card or his/her name should be mentioned in the ration card of his family. He/she should not be a borrower of any other bank.
The objective of the scheme is to provide employment for more than a million persons by setting up of 7 lakh micro enterprises by the educated unemployment youth who are matriculates. Preference is given for women entrepreneurs. The person should be between 18 and 35 years old having permanent residence of the area for atleast 3 years. Family income of the beneficiary should not be above Rs.24,000/- per year. Loans are extended upto Rs.95,000/- under this scheme.
Margin on advances and rate of interest, security norms and income criteria are subject to the guidelines issued by Reserve Bank of India from time to time. It is expected that the applicants should not be defaulters to any financial institution including Cooperative Societies and Land Development Banks. Crops, Livestock, Machinery purchased from the bank loans are to be insured as per guidelines issued by Government of India/Reserve Bank of India, from time to time.
Eligibility of the applicant: Individuals/group of individuals/members of cooperative societies. The individuals should have regular monthly income from employment, business, profession, agriculture. In the case of employed persons three years continued service is necessary and for self employed, professionals, business people three years standing in their respective field is necessary. The applicant should not be more than 55 years of age.
Scheme Offered: The loan is granted for purchase/construction of new flat/house or for purchase of old house/flat not exceeding 15 years. The loan is also granted for extension of the existing house/flat. Higher quantum may be considered for High Net Worth individuals.
QUANTUM OF LOAN: Maximum quantum of loan is Rs 50 lacs.. The loan is however restricted to 80% of the cost of purchase/construction and also the repaying capacity of the applicant is taken into account while fixing the quantum of loan. Higher quantum may be considered for high networth individuals.
SECURITY: The property purchased/constructed should be mortgaged to the bank.
Two types of interest rate namely Fixed and Floating interest rate are permitted. Bank retains the right to convert the fixed rate to floating rate after three years
REPAYMENT: The maximum repayment period is 20 years in equated monthly instalments. Loan to be closed before the applicant attains 65 years. Fixed interest rates are repayable within 10 years. Repayment holiday period of 18 months for construction and 3 months for purchase is granted. 36 Post dated cheques to be obtained. Pre closure of loan attracts levy of charges of 1%.
Loan granted for repair/renovation of existing house(s) in the name of borrower, e.g. painting, building a compound wall, flooring/tiling, replacement of doors/windows, wiring etc. The loan can be availed by individuals (salaried, business people, professionals) owning at least a flat/house in his/her name.
The applicant must be confirmed in service in a reputed organisation. Take home pay should be more than 50% of the gross salary after taking into account the instalment for the loan under reference. Should have balance of service equal to or more than the repayment period. Professionals/business people should be n the line of activity for a minimum period of 3 years and should be an Income Tax assessee.
The minimum loan is Rs.25,000 and the maximum limit is Rs.5.00 lacs.
MARGIN: Immovable property =50% of market value
REPAYMENT: In maximum 120 equated monthly instalments with a holiday of 3 months. 36 post dated cheques to be obtained
SECURITY: Either equitable mortgage of the house/flat, which is under renovation/repair and the land or any other immovable property in the name of the borrower and unencumbered with a market value twice that of the loan amount.
Loan is granted for furnishing the house with drawing room furniture, kitchen equipments, bath tubs, air conditioners, cupboards etc. The scheme aims at a package to furnish the entire house. Individuals in employment in reputed organisations and put in a minimum of 3 years confirmed service, business people who are in the business for atleast three years who have a house/flat in their name or in the name of spouse can apply.
QUANTUM OF LOAN: Loan amount depends on the monthly income:
Rs.20,000/ and above 1.00 lac
Rs.10,000 to Rs.20,000 75,000/
Rs.10,000 and below 50,000/
SECURITY: Hypothecation of the items purchased. Mortgage of the house if available and third party guarantee worth for the loan amount.
Margin: 25% of the cost kept as term deposit till the loan is closed.
Repayment: Repayable in 60 equated monthly instalments. 36 Post dated cheques to be obtained
Loan granted against the rent receivable for the unexpired period of the lease. Owners of property let out to reputed companies, banks including our bank and to owners of officers quarters are eligible to apply.
A firm lease agreement is required. The rent payable should be free of any encumbrance. If the rent is partly charged, the balance should be sufficient to cover the loan instalment. Property is not subject to dispute or plan violation.
75% of the net rent receivable for the unexpired lease period after deducting the rental advance and "Tax Deductible at source. Maximum loan is equivalent to 84 months rent.
REPAYMENT: Loan is repayable in a maximum of 84 equated monthly instalments not exceeding the lease period.
SECURITY: For loan upto Rs.2.00 lacs the rent receivable charged to the bank. For loan above Rs.2.00 lacs, in addition to charging the rent receivable the property under lease or any other property(market value 150%) is to be mortgaged or security such as Bank Deposit, NSC, KVP, IVP,LIC, UNIS etc. to be offered.
Eligibility of the applicant: Individuals in confirmed service in reputed Organisations, Professionals, self employed persons and business people. Salaried individual should have atleast 50% of take home pay. Professionals, self employed and business people must be in the line of business for atleast three years.
Total income should not be less than Rs 5000 for two wheeler loan and Rs 8000 for car loans. Firms/Companies are also eligible
Scheme Offered: Loan is granted for purchase of new car of any make and also for used cars.( not older than 5 years)
Quantum of Loan: The maximum loan is 90% of the cost of the new car or 75% of the market value of the used car. In the case of used car the maximum loan amount is Rs.5.00 lacs. Two wheelers 90% of the cost or 10 times of monthly salary or Rs 60000/ whichever is less
Repayment: The Loan is repayable in 60 equated monthly instalments for new car and 36 monthly instalments for used car. Two wheeler 60 equated monthly instalments. 12 Post dated cheques to be submitted.
Security: The vehicle is to be hypothecated to the bank and the RC book and insurance for the vehicle should indicate the name of the bank as financiers.
Eligibility of the applicant: Students of Indian National secured admission in professional/technical course/foreign university/institution
Scheme and services: Loan is granted for study in graduation/post graduation/professional courses/diploma course in recognised institution/university in India and abroad. Need-based request for tuition fee, hostel fee, cost of books, examination fee, and air fare (in the case of study abroad) are provided for the entire duration of the course.
QUANTUM OF LOAN: The maximum loan amount is Rs.7.50 lacs for study in India and Rs.15.00 lacs for study abroad.
MARGIN : Upto 4 lacs Nil. More than Rs 4 lacs studies within India 5%, abroad 15%.
SECURITY: Upto 4 lacs Nil.. More than Rs 4 lacs to Rs 7.50 lacs, Third Party Guarantee.. More than Rs 7.50 lacs, Collateral Security of suitable value or co-obligation of parents/guardian/third party alongwith assignment of future income of the student.Land/Buildings/Govt Securities/ PS Bonds/ Units/KVP, NSC, Gold, Shares/ Bank Deposits.. Assignment of LIC policy in the name of the student beneficiary for the amount of the loan.
REPAYMENT: The loan is repayable in 60 to 84 equated monthly instalments from the sixth month from the date of employment or after 12 months after completion of the course whichever is earlier. Life cover for parent and student is available on payment of full premium for the entire period.
Any citizen who is a customer of our Bank and who is permanently employed in Government Department / Public Sector undertaking and reputed organisations, can avail Personal Loans to purchase of new consumer durables like radio, refrigerator, television, washing machine, etc. Normally Bank extends loan upto 90 % of the cost of the article or 5 times of the salary of the employee whichever is lower. The loan component and the margin money from the customers are directly paid to the dealer with instructions to deliver the article to the customer..
Eligibility: Central/State Govt/ Defence Pensioner/Pilot pensioner/EB/PSU /Family Pensioners/
Purpose : To meet household expenses
Quantum: Maximum loan amount is 10 times monthly pension or Rs 1 lacs whichever is less for those not exceeding 65 years of age, for those who are over 65 years, the maximum loan is Rs 50,000.
Repayment: Upto 65 years 48, EMI, Over 65 years 24 EMI.
Eligibility: Individuals not more than 70 years of age. In case of seeking employment abroad, the maximum age should not be more than 40 years. Minimum Household income should be Rs 1.20 lacs per annum (employees of reputed organisations)
Purpose : Tourism (both domestic and foreign travel), medical treatment and employment abroad
Quantum: Maximum loan amount is 12 times gross monthly household income. Minimum Rs 10000 and maximum Rs 10 lacs
Repayment: 36 EMI with a holiday period of 3 months
Security: Salary to be routed through us. Upto loan of Rs 1 lac, third party guarantee. Above Rs 1 lac, Security by way of NSC, IVP, KVP, LIC etc.
Margin : 25% for foreign travel and nil margin for domestic travel
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