Thursday, June 2, 2011

pyramid and its powers

Manifest Any Desire Through The Personal Power Pyramid

“By following this method you can have anything you want- a brand new car, a dream house, your soul mate…sky is the limit!”

Manifestation through a personal pyramid symbol is a powerful and effective method. Here is how it works.

Step:1 Work It
Look at the figure on the left; keep your hands in the same position. Now, what you have to do is take a photograph of what you want and place your power symbol on that photograph. Once positioned, think positive thoughts about the thing you want to manifest. It’s very important that you totally believe that it is possible for you to obtain what you are trying to create. You must have full belief that it is yours to have.
TIP: Most of us have been conditioned to believe that in order to get something we have to work hard and plan for it. Well, if you want to get out of this reservation, then start small. Use your personal pyramid to focus all your energies to manifest the little things first, and then move up the ladder, this is how you’ll begin to have more faith. Remember, its important to work with your belief system- take your time, don’t rush into things, stretch your boundaries gradually, for this is how your age old beliefs can truly change!
Step: 2 Its All About The Present:
The second step is to visualize and eliminate future and past tense!

Manifestation should only be practiced using the present tense, NEVER future. For instance, say “I am rich, I have a good body, I enjoy my life, “I am packing to go to Hawai” etc. If you keep stating your affirmations in future tense, i.e. “I wish” or “I desire” then that is exactly what you will create for yourself: wanting, and desiring. There is a simple logic to it, our universe and most particularly our subconscious mind TAKES EVERYTHING IN THE LITERAL SENSE. You may find this silly, but it is a fact. Always manifest things as if you already have them. VISUALIZE, involve all your senses to create the setting  while keeping your hand pyramid symbol firmly on the picture. Close your eyes and feel the joy of having that thing as intensely as possible. See and feel yourself holding your dream partner, or opening a new company or driving that Mazda.
TIP: By using the words “I wish” or “I desire” you affirm that you don’t possess the thing you desire. Always and always assert abundance, using present tense affirms that it’s already yours.
STEP 3: You Cant Play With Free Will
Never try to manifest something for or about another person. It is NOT a good idea to get in the way of free will. Although that person may be in a lot of trouble, it is only because he/she has lessons to learn in life. The best you can do is offer love through the power of pyramid manifestation, and ask the person’s higher self to help him/her heal if it is in his/her best interest.
There may also be those moments when you get a strong inner message that you must stop trying to manifest a particular thing. Trust that message. It could be your subconscious mind trying to tell you that the wish is not in your best interest. Always keep complete faith in your intuition!

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