Friday, December 30, 2011

Leo the Lion in 2012

Leo the Lion in 2012

Trust Your Instincts

The big news this year is that mystical Neptune enters Pisces and your 8th house of other people’s resources, tuning you in to the cosmic collective. Neptune is a psychic planet, Pisces is a psychic sign, and the 8th is one of the psychic houses, so you can see where this could lead to! Your intuition begins to climb off the charts in early February and will continue to inspire you for several years to come. This is a wonderful year to start a program of meditation, yoga, or anything that will help you to be still and listen to that small, still voice within. The 8th house also rules over sex and inheritances, both of which will take on a more spiritual tone in the coming year.


Benevolent Jupiter spends the first half of the year in your 10th house of career and reputation, helping to make you a superstar. A raise or promotion is quite possible in March, when powerful Pluto joins forces with Jupiter to improve your standing at work. However, this may eventually result in tension at home around the Full Moon on May 6th, when the demands of your family life conflict with your duties at work. After June 11th, Jupiter enters Gemini and your 11th house of friends and associates, giving you something to cheer about. You can expect your circle of friends to widen, and opportunities to work on worthwhile group projects to increase. Unusual opportunities to achieve your goals may present themselves, with the full support and encouragement of others. At the end of the year, a friendship may blossom into romance… icing on top of the cake!

Moving Past Limitations

Saturn remains in Libra and your 3rd house of communication for most of 2012, giving you more time to consider how your own personal ideas and beliefs impact your life. If you have been stuck in a rut, you will begin to break through the obstacles that negative mindset can create. This is a wonderful time to take on a serious program of study so that you can move past any limitations you have placed on yourself. Some of you may also take on more responsibility related to siblings, neighbors, and community in general. At times you may be tempted to fall into negative thinking, but try to avoid this as your hard work will pay off! On October 5th, the taskmaster enters your 4th house of home and family, beginning a 2 ½ year journey that will impact what goes on under your own roof.

What You Value

On January 24th, warrior Mars turns retrograde in your 2nd house of finances. Mars turns retrograde every 2 ½ years or so, and sometimes leads to reversals in the area of your life it falls in. From beginning to end, Mars will spend approximately 8 month in Virgo, which is a detail and service oriented sign. The details of what you spend on a daily basis may vex you… keep a journal if you want to discover where the ‘leaks’ are. In this case, it is imperative that you review and restructure your budget to reflect what you value most. You may need to cut back in some areas in order to save for things you truly want in the future. Your own personal austerity measure, so to speak. The good news is, once Mars turns direct again on April 14th, you’ll be able to make great progress in finance and business interests. This could be a banner year for you, once you are over the hurdles!


Love is in the air as Venus in Aquarius begins the year in your 7th house of marriage and partnerships, getting you off to a great start. It will be easy to connect with the most significant others in your life, including best friends and business partners. The weekend of the 13th should be especially pleasant as Neptune joins forces with Venus, creating a sense of perfect harmony. After January 14th, the planet of love lights up your 8th house of sex and shared resources, creating fireworks with Mars in your 2nd house of money. This could be very passionate and exciting but at the same time could easily get out of hand! Watch for arguments over money as well as frustration if there isn’t enough time spent in the bedroom. Mars turns retrograde on Jan. 24th, so anything that gets stirred up now will continue to simmer for the next 6 months. Keep in mind that no relationship can ever be ‘perfect’, and the more pressure you put on yourself or others in the bedroom, the more inhibited you will feel. Venus enters Aries and your 9th house of higher education and travel on Feb. 9th, giving you the itch to get out and about. You may meet some very interesting people while doing so! After March 5th, sociable Venus in Taurus enters your 10th house of career and reputation, framing you in a favorable light with your superiors. Jupiter adds an expansive, fortunate vibe… could a raise or promotion be in the air?

Your friends and associates come into focus once Venus sets up camp in Gemini and your 11th house of groups on April 3rd, where it will be for some time to come due to the retrograde cycle. Jupiter will eventually join her here, magnifying the results of your efforts to network and connect with others. Everything runs fairly smoothly until Venus commences retrograde motion on May 15th, urging you to spend time reflecting on the groups you belong to and why. An Eclipse on June 4th may have you questioning certain relationships and ending those that are not beneficial. After Venus turns direct on June 27th, you’ll have a much better idea of who really shares your ideals.

It’s time to rest and recharge your spiritual batteries as Venus moves behind the scenes in your 12th house of secrets and solitude on August 7th. While this is traditionally a time of clandestine affairs and unrequited love, more often it points to a season of reflection on your relationships and increased compassion for others. Consider volunteer work for those less fortunate to get the most out of this period. The world will be ready for you make your grand entrance on Sept. 6th, when beautiful Venus lights up your first house of appearance and personality… this is often a feel-good transit, and when Venus lifts your spirits, people naturally gravitate toward you. Use this to your advantage!

Your relationship to money comes into focus on Oct. 3rd, when Venus awakens in your 2nd house of money and what you value. You’ll want to buy things that reflect your tastes and perhaps now that Mars has finally left the building, you can afford to splurge just a little. Keep in mind that Jupiter will turn retrograde at about the same time and may cause conflict between what you value and what your friends think is important. You may need to do some soul-searching to determine what exactly is right for you.

Speak up on Oct. 28th, when Venus twinkles in your 3rd house of communication, helping you to find exactly the right words to say. The great news is that Saturn is no longer holding you back here, and you have had plenty of time to really think about your opinions and why you believe what you do. Your hard work over the past two years related to your education and community should be paying off now, giving you more confidence in your voice and endeavors. During the last week of November, warm and loving Venus meets with stern and burdensome Saturn in your 4th house of home and family, possibly calling for some tough love. You’ll need to get used to Saturn’s energy here, and Venus will help ease you into what is likely to be 2 ½ years of challenges under your own roof. As the year ends, Venus graces your 5th house of love and creativity, cheering you up when you need it the most. Perhaps there is a Santa Claus after all!

Home and Family

Siblings, in-laws, and neighbors may hold your concern during much of the year, as Saturn completes his long journey through your 3rd house of community. You’ll need to maintain strong, consistent boundaries with those who insist on taking advantage of you. Much will be asked of you this year and you need to know what is and is not your true responsibility! Finding balance will be the key, as Saturn in Libra seeks to create a fair and peaceful environment. By the time strict Saturn enters your 4th house of home and family on Oct.5th, you will be ready to create a more structured, stable environment. It may start off uncomfortably, as you may need to downsize or even move in with family members or have them move in with you. The last week of November is a great time to hold a household pow-wow, as everyone will be in a cooperative mood.

Work and Health

Jupiter spends the first half of the year in loyal Taurus, helping you to reap the fruit of all your labor at work. And even though Pluto is not Jupiter’s best friend, they harmonize well while Pluto takes the long tour through your 6th house of health and service. If there are changes going on at work, you are in the seat of favor with the powers that be. If you want to move up the corporate ladder, now is the time. It’s also time to seriously consider giving your daily habits an overhaul. Pluto will demand that any corrupted structures be brought down, and that includes within your body. This could be a time of great healing and rebuilding for you… but not until old damage is discovered and revealed. Pluto’s influence is here to stay for 12 more years, so get started!

Career and Finances

The big news is retrograde Mars in your 2nd house of money until Oct. 7th, and with both Jupiter and Pluto harmonizing well in your 10th house of career and 6th house of work, you should have solid footing this year. However, it may seem like you keep taking two steps forward and one step backward as the planets play retrograde musical chairs. Slow and steady is the key, with a conservative budget and a generous savings plan if you want to make the most of the auguries. Put yourself in a better career and financial position now, while you have the opportunity.

Mercury the Messenger

Ah, Mercury retrograde! You can expect the Winged Messenger to go retrograde three times a year for about three weeks each time. During retrogrades, you can expect miscommunication, delays in travel, and breakdowns in machinery and appliances. Usually these breakdowns are due to neglect or lack of attention to detail and the retrograde period simply brings this to the surface. It’s often a good idea to hold off on making any important decisions, purchases, or signing contracts when Mercury is retrograde. Brides planning weddings should certainly consult an astrologer to avoid scheduling the Big Day during a retrograde! On the positive side, Mercury retrograde is excellent for research and investigation. It is a time to go over everything carefully, looking for loopholes, mistakes, and weaknesses. Here are this year’s Mercury retrogrades and how they are likely to impact you:

March 12th -April 4th Mercury Retrograde in Pisces, 8th House

You can expect loans and inheritances to hit a snag during this retrograde… go over the fine lines of every contract you are considering and wait until after Mercury turns direct to sign. In intimate relationships, you may find that communication breakdowns are causing problems. This is a good time to consider what isn’t said, through body language and actions. After April 4th, Mercury moves forward again, giving you the opportunity to correct any mistakes or omissions.

July 15th – August 8th Mercury Retrograde in Leo, 1st House

As much as you’ll want to speak up, your signature roar might sound more like a squeak as Mercury backtracks in your sign. You may need to keep your opinions to yourself for a while, and really think it through before starting a debate with your mate, boss, or family members. After Aug. 8th, you’ll have your thoughts organized and be ready to state your case, without any unnecessary drama.

November 6th-26th Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio, 4th House

This is the beginning of a long season of reviewing and revising your home and family, dear Leo. It starts with big decisions to make, and you can’t make them without researching all of the options. This is the perfect time to reflect on what works and what does not work for you in terms of living with others in a satisfying way. For some, it may even mean that it is time to move out on your own! By Nov. 26th, the path becomes more clear.


Your Full Moon happens on Feb. 7th, and will represent the culmination of what began back in July 2011. You may have taken on some challenges at work that have given you an opportunity for advancement, and now is the time to reap the rewards of your efforts. Of course, this could cause a bit of a tug of war between your personal life and career… it seems like everyone wants a part of you! Try not to get carried away with the emotion and passion that may be stirred up.

Your personal New Moon occurs on August 17th, signaling new beginnings for you. This is a wonderful time to get a new hairstyle, buy new clothes, and put your best face forward. Whatever you have wished for as your birthday approached can start to take shape, so focus your intention and visualize your best future. A lot of change is in store for you during the second half of the year, but there is no reason it can’t be on your own terms.


Eclipses indicate change in the area of life they impact, and are often felt for much longer than regular lunations. In cases where the eclipse makes a close aspect to planets or angles in your chart, they can be felt for up to a year. Here is what to look for during the eclipse cycle of 2012:
A New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Gemini on May 20th signifies changes and possible endings in your friendships and group associations. Some of you may be saying goodbye to an old group because of a career opportunity, while others may be moving due to impending family changes. Every ending is also a new beginning, so don’t let anything beyond your control get you down.
A Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on June 4th only solidifies changes that began with the New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Gemini two weeks earlier. In this instance, children and creativity take center stage. Fortunately, the change is most likely to be a happy one. Many of you will be starting a family, becoming engaged, or otherwise making a decision that will change your daily life. Celebrate!
A New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on Nov. 13th may signal the beginning of a big change under your roof. With so many other signs pointing to change at home, you can expect to either be moving, have a family member moving in with you, or possibly dealing with the loss or addition of a family member. This change will impact your life for some time to come, so embrace it and make the best of whatever comes your way.
A New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on Nov. 28thechoes what was begun during the New Moon and Solar Eclipse on May 20th, when the end of one phase of your life came into view. For many of you, it may mean the beginning of a new project, romance, or even the ultimate creative endeavor of raising a child! Those of you who have children will find they need your attention more than ever now. Artists, writers, and musicians among you will find that you must give more time to your craft if you want to move forward.

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